neonatal optometry

neonatal optometry

Optometry test means vision measurement that is used to fully examine the structure of the eye, diagnose eye diseases and take special types of optometry tests such as vision field test, color vision test, depth vision test, corneal topography, etc. Optometry chart. It has a special application.

Children’s optometry

If your child does not have any symptoms of refractive errors or other vision problems, he or she should have a complete vision examination at six months of age and again at three years of age. According to the American Optometric Association, a thorough examination of the child before entering school will lead to the timely diagnosis and definitive treatment of any problems in the visual system. Therefore, children without symptoms of vision problems should be thoroughly examined for the third time before entering school.

Children under the age of 7 should be examined at least three times to assess vision and diagnose lazy eye. At this age, the child’s eye is growing, so if the child’s eye has not had a problem in the past, families should go to these centers for re-examination.

What is optometry?

Optometry is a part of a complete (multi-part) examination of the eye and includes vision history, visual acuity assessment, refraction assessment, binocular assessment, eye matching and movement, color vision, screening and data evaluation.In other words, optometry is the examination of vision and its related structures to detect visual disturbances and to prescribe appropriate lenses or other vision aids or eye exercises to compensate for vision deficiencies.

Optometry is performed daily in an outpatient emergency unit by experienced and specialized colleagues.