

The Pediatrics Group of Behboud Hospital enjoys a number of experienced pediatricians who are expert in various fields of internal and surgical diseases, as well as experienced nurses, and provides comprehensive services for treatment and care of the child patients. This unit is equipped with highly advanced childcare equipment, and generally provides the following services:

  • Infectious diseases
  • Renal diseases
  • Hematologic diseases
  • Endocrine and metabolic diseases
  • Gastrointestinal diseases
  • Immunologic and allergic diseases
  • Cardiovascular Diseases
  • Rheumatic Diseases
  • Neurological diseases

Pediatric Surgery
About pediatric diseases that require surgery, pediatric surgeons are in charge of diagnosing, preoperative preparation, performing the surgery and postoperative care. Some congenital abnormalities are so serious that without surgery in the early hours after birth, the continuation of the neonate’s life will not be possible. In such cases, immediate diagnosis and timely surgery by the pediatric surgeon will have a profound effect on the success of the operation. Considering the existing facilities, the experienced surgeons of the Pediatric Surgery Group of Behboud Hospital can perform surgeries in various fields such as the neurologic, cardiologic, urologic, orthopedic, etc.