In this clinic, treatment of neurological and muscular diseases and disorders that do not require surgery, including headache and dizziness, forgetfulness and memory disorders, seizures and disorders of consciousness (fainting), tingling in the hands and feet, back pain, paralysis and Weakness of arms and legs, loss or disturbance in level of consciousness, tremors or slowness of movement, sleep disorders and neurological diseases: such as stroke, MS, epilepsy, dementia and Alzheimer’s, meningitis, neuropathy, myopathy, Parkinson’s is performed and patients are referred to a surgeon if surgery is needed in special cases.
Outpatient visits, cooperation with the electroencephalography department (brain tape) of the hospital for inpatients and outpatients, cooperation with the electrodiagnostic department (nerve and muscle tape) of the hospital, neurological consultations in various wards and emergencies, is including the activities of neurologists .