Internal Medicine

Internal Medicine

We often come across people who have several types of diseases and are under the supervision of several doctors to control these diseases. It is possible that as a result of taking the drugs prescribed by various doctors due to drug interactions or not paying attention to other underlying diseases, the patient suffers from many complications . The result is a lot of money, time and energy, and a lot of physical and mental damage.

It is safe to say that in the medical profession, the only group that can evaluate and treat different diseases in a completely specialized way are internal medicine specialists. and precisely for this reason, this group of doctors can diagnose a patient with several types of diseases and treat them.

Internal medicine and gastroenterology clinic of Behbood specialized and sub-specialized hospital, using the experience and knowledge of prominent physicians, providing prevention, diagnosis and treatment services for a wide range of diseases, including cancer, gastrointestinal tract, liver and kidney, infection, etc, is ready to provide Services to dear patients.

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